The day was bad
The day was long
I was left feeling
Like I didn't belong
I felt like a beetle
By a shoe defiled
All crushed to a pulp
But then you smiled...
I was dropping bombs
I was oozing hate
I was burning people
With acrid distaste
I was losing my mind
I was getting all riled
Snapping at shadows
But then you smiled...
The world was harsh
The world was tough
I wanted to give up
I had had quite enough
I was about to lash out
I was about to go wild
And smash it all to pieces
But, just then, you smiled...
There was no end in sight
I was fresh out of hope
I was jerking on the end
Of a really long rope
At the end of my tether
I would not be beguiled
When you were walking by me
But then, you stopped, and smiled...
The day was long
I was left feeling
Like I didn't belong
I felt like a beetle
By a shoe defiled
All crushed to a pulp
But then you smiled...
I was dropping bombs
I was oozing hate
I was burning people
With acrid distaste
I was losing my mind
I was getting all riled
Snapping at shadows
But then you smiled...
The world was harsh
The world was tough
I wanted to give up
I had had quite enough
I was about to lash out
I was about to go wild
And smash it all to pieces
But, just then, you smiled...
There was no end in sight
I was fresh out of hope
I was jerking on the end
Of a really long rope
At the end of my tether
I would not be beguiled
When you were walking by me
But then, you stopped, and smiled...
Hugs! ...and the man smiles again!!!! :)
Love the first 2 stanzas :) You have captured accurately very familiar feelings.
You seem to have smashed that writers block!!!
Undeniably a very strong poem... kudos
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