On some days I'm a cat
I prowl alone
And if you smell
I'll rub your limbs
And purr for you
But if you show unseemly
I'll leave
Walk my own path
Away from yours
Through the night
And warm your toes
If you're still
The morning after
And meow for you.
On some days I'm a dog
Big, shaggy, happy
With a big wet tongue
That longs to drown you
In love
You could rub me for days
And I'd stay
And tremble at your
I'd roll for you
Gambol for you
Run and fetch too
I'd be your happy slave
Your delightful knave
I'd warm you like a stove
Smother you with love
And bark and bite for you.
On some days I'm your bird
Chirping happily away
On a perch
In a cage
My performing stage
As you live out
Your life
Ignoring me
For days
Feeding me
By the way
Behind your bars I stay
Yearning in song
Yearning to belong
As I chirp for you
And tweet for you
I pine slowly away.
On other days
When I can
I will also be
Your man.
Wow!! Its so damn true!
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