Friday, June 08, 2012

When you're in a lousy mood...

When you're in a lousy mood
You can try
To cry
Or sigh
And then implode
Or you can explode!
Either sink in
Wallow in sin
Or burst out
Do something loud
Go north
Or south
Just dont stay where you are
And brood
When you're in that lousy mood

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

How many lies?

How many lies
Does it take
For a heart to break?
How many lies
For the world to shatter,
For the ground to shake?
Does it really matter
How many lies were spake?

I sometimes wonder
If every word
I ever heard
Was a blunder.
Whether my ears
Or your tongue
Were to blame
For the game
This love became.

How many lies
Must you speak
Before you realise
The harm that you do;
That words are like glue;
That if love is blind
Words are the ties that bind.

How many lies?