And where is our revolution?
We protested against auto-rickshaw drivers yesterday
We say
And the day before
We turned our lights off for an hour
And only last week
I donated to Greenpeace
I buy from farms that are organic
And you know farmer suicides
Don't affect those prices
So all's well with my world I say
What did you want to protest about anyway?
And where is our revolution?
We cry and wail
But voices aren't raised
Cos we're too scared
Not of the government
Not of the policemen
Or the boogeymen
But of what our neighbour will think
We're good people you see
Good sorts don't protest
They complain and they whine
THey make a little fuss
But not much
Cos they're too worried
About what the neighbours will say
And where is our revolution
In the voices upraised
Against people from the neighbouring state?
Against the Gorkha union
The refugees from Bangladesh
Who were just looking for a place to stay
In the voices of the good Marathi citizens
The denizens
Of Dadar
Who just want racial purity on the streets
Or the Kannadiga or the Tamil
Whose tunes will resonate only to the heart beats
Of their own language....
And where is our Revolution
When dal prices and onions make us weep
ANd the farmers take to the streets
Because of urbanisation
When what the Ambanis eat
Is televised
On national TV
And the starving kids
Are not news any more
Now it's budget housing
Land for ever Indian man
You're supported by your local bank
You just gotta borrow a crore
Or maybe just a little more
Get in over your head
Trust your government
They're the Commonwealth
They'll play games
Learn financial jugglery
While you struggle to eat
And pay for their pleasure with your penury.
And where is our revolution?
In autorickshaw strikes and non-tv days
and let's just turn the lights off for tonight I say
We'll buy organic
and not let our taps drip
And go home feeling oh-so hip
Cos we support Greenpeace
And hate people who club baby seals to death
But reelect our government
Bring them back
Cos farmers dying
is just suicide
and onion prices
Aren't really a crisis
Did you see how high the sensex went today?
And where is our revolution?
Where are our voices?
Where is the change we want to be
Is it just drowned in the enormity
Of our daily lives
And our petty little fights
Over who got a bigger bonus
Isn't the onus on us
Or is it all just gonna be okay
Let the politicians play
What can I do anyway
I'm just one person
There's a billion more where I came from
And there's a never-ending supply
Who cares as long as I can get high
My revolution is on the brink
Of exploding with another drink
I'll go home and beat my wife
And put an end to domestic strife
And tell the children to can it
If I don't like it I can ban it
And any protests they make are useless anyway
Cos thats the way the world works
And if you don't like it you can lump it
Learn to get along
That's your theme song
You'll grow up soon
And learn before long
That protest only works in song.